Now with Royal Grand Hotel you can pay online via Visa card/MasterCard for your payments.

Kindly follow below steps as per instructed:
Click on

Online payment portal
Online payment portal

Select country “Liberia”, to be directed to Liberia’s payment page.

After selecting our Hotel by clicking on this icon you will be asked to Register

A verification email will be sent by the end of the process, make sure to check your Junk Folder and move email to Inbox as “Not Junk “so you can receive the rest of the email notifications to your inbox directly.

After confirming email, you will be directed back to main page, kindly follow below steps:

1) Log in

2) Select the make payment “icon”Online payment portal

3) Click Royal Hotel as per picture

4) Type Phone Number (+231 777xxxx, +231 888xxxx, +231 555xxx) or any other international phone number.

Amount: Charged in USD
Amount in the format of numbers (for example 1100) no need to type currency

5) Click Preview and follow the needed steps to proceed with payment on a secure online payment portal (Verified by Visa/MasterCard),

6) Follow steps for verification of the card and proceed forward with the payment.
Once payment is successful, you will receive a notification email with your payment details.


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Kindly note that this portal is an online payment method and not for room reservation or booking